Friday, October 2, 2009

The "Peasants" are angry, and we are many!

Whether you are a Michael Moore fan or not, I highly recommend "Capitalism: A Love Story".

I don't find the things Moore is claiming to be entirely new or disputable. It is nice however to see my sentiments or concerns expressed in this kind of format. Greed has always existed. It knows no limits, and unless we regulate it, curb it, hold people accountable for their corrupt tactics, then it will plough us over.

One of the interesting things I discovered was something called "dead peasant" insurance policies. Corporations can take out an insurance policy so that in the case of your demise, they can turn a profit. This is not money that goes to the families but to the top executives... even if you quit the company, they can still earn thousands, if not millions of dollars. You may be worth more dead, than alive by your place of business!

Here is an MSN article on the "dead peasant" policies.

And a video

There is also a detention center in Pennsylvania that earns a profit for every child that is incarcerated. The judge also makes millions by sending children there... and you know what these kids have done?

One girl got in a fight with her friend at the mall, another threw his dinner plate at the family table, another girl blogged that her school teacher was boring and didn't have a sense of humor. These children are not tried fairly because the judge doesn't care, he sees a profit! While they are issued maybe a 3 month long punishment, it was easily extended to 6 months or a year without going before a judge. Its outrageous! And this started last year!

Here is the CNN article,"Pennsylvania Rocked by'Jailing Kids for Cash' scandal".

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