Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Warning: Mature content for mature readers only!

I'm in the dressing room of the Old Navy hearing a conversation between two teenage employees.

The boy is trying to connect with the girl, maybe searching for any signs of life upstairs. He asks,"Do you like to read books?"

"I do!" she says.

"What do you read?"


Then the repulsed agony of disappointment echoed off the walls,"Really? Are you serious?"

I'm beginning to think that "Twilight" is the dumb girls last effort to appear literate.

Yes, Twilight is still a very hot item and its pissing off boys around the nation. It makes me laugh, as a woman, having read the first book. I've actually read many books and Twilight is poorly written. The dumb girl replies to me with a,"No way! I read it just fine! The author connects sentences with punctuation marks and everything!"

But does that make a good author? I suppose I shouldn't be too mean considering I was once a teenage girl, it's possible I could have liked Twilight more. However, not all fantasy fiction or science fiction movies are the same.

Young girls have a disease thats been around for a long long time. Maybe boys have it too...

But its this idea that your sexiness, womanhood, worthiness, is validated if you can get the "bad boy" to love you. It doesn't work in real life so we write cute stories where it does work. The irony is that more girls are crying and complaining about their bad boys that they've idolized.

I've been seeing a lot of blogs lately about girls crying over dudes, and being someone who has been there, I have some straight up advice.

1. Never make someone a priority in your life when they only see you as an option. If that needs further explanation listen up. If he has all the time in the world to fuck you, but zero time to make you his girlfriend, and you have a problem with that... Be smart about your well being, and don't have sex with him.

2. Become a professional masturbator rather than let some loser/asshole stick his dick in you. If you believe that a woman doesn't have rights to self pleasure then you are a terrorist. A lot of guys and a lot of ladies would like you to believe that the only way you can have "socially approved" sexual gratification is if you let someone else do it for you. In other words, you are now dependent on any moron to make sure you get your kicks. That leaves you pretty powerless doesn't it? And the last thing you need to be is a powerless whiner.

3. If you are feeling lonely, if you feel like a loser, if you feel ugly, all because you don't have a boyfriend; turn on the Jerry Springer Show. The evidence will prove to you that you don't have to be anything special to be in a relationship. Any moron can get a boyfriend/girlfriend. Any moron can get married and have kids. Can you sincerely envy the people on these shows? Look, don't feel bad if you don't have a boyfriend, because the truth is you could, and he could be a real shit head.

4. Raise your standards! If you told yourself that the guy you want to be with is the kind that can commit to you, treat you kindly, and literally show this through his ACTIONS; then don't date anyone who cant step up to the plate! If all women could keep their legs crossed then the assholes would die out, we wouldn't be breeding more of them. With all the sperm donors out there, it leaves many women to raise their sons alone. And believe me, you're not doing a great job if your son grows up to be a punk that treats women poorly.

5. If you were taught to believe that relationships are the only reason to live; that love is the only thing to make the world go round... here is my wake up call to you. It's not! The pressure to believe that relationships are the only means to get up in the morning, essentially puts you in a bad place to believe you are nothing, unless you have someone. What a shitty idea! Not only that but you cant control others. It takes two to make a relationship work and until you can find someone to meet you in your goal... then you don't have squat!

And love alone is not enough to move mountains. No matter how much you love, it again is not enough to convince someone else (who wants something different) to bend to your will. Love is not a super power! While it is great and admirable to love, it cannot do everything. Many virtues, qualities, networks, the alignment of various factors, have to come into play when doing anything.

6. Stop and think for a moment just how sexist the idea of "virginity" is. When you give it some thought maybe you wont freak out so much about "losing" this spooky, medieval burden of yours. If the whole world wants to manipulate young girls with the idea of their treasure box pussy, they will sadly be disappointed when they learn that no one really cares. The people that care about virginity are the possesive, often religious zealots who think they are superior men if they can stick you first. The beautiful idea of virginity only works if it applies to both sexes, and potentially waiting till you get married. But what large population really practices this, and what type of person are we waiting for?

In conclusion, life is too short to try and find your self worth in someone or something else. Learn from the choices that brought you mistakes. Also, grow better, not bitter... because any moron can grow bitter ok? Thats easy! But if you believe you deserve good things in life, don't circle around every painful event you tripped over. Your time on this earth is limited, and you get closer to death with every second that passes.



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